Tianjin 2016 - Doubles Matches

Final come on lena/diego36arg def. Tim./Phil=) 2-1
SF come on lena/diego36arg def. BMT360/winterland121072 4-4
SF Tim./Phil=) def. Chris 84/SloKid 4-4
QF come on lena/diego36arg def. SRB Analyst/RoyalFencer 14-13
QF BMT360/winterland121072 def. Dementieva_Dude/In The Zone 16-14
QF Chris 84/SloKid def. XINYUN-GOAT/zigga 15-8
QF Tim./Phil=) def. Spencer./saarsngg 15-15
R16 SRB Analyst/RoyalFencer def. igralec33/Poldo 10-8
R16 come on lena/diego36arg def. Igorche/kfh_9118 10-9
R16 Dementieva_Dude/In The Zone def. hessie/smokovec 10-8
R16 BMT360/winterland121072 def. Gu-niao/sd3300123 10-8
R16 Chris 84/SloKid def. Vitor BM/DropShotAce 10-9
R16 XINYUN-GOAT/zigga def. F4CU/Allez-Alejo 10-7
R16 Spencer./saarsngg def. digor/kondrashov 11-8
R16 Tim./Phil=) def. Buitenzorg/TIEFSEE 9-8
QR3 BMT360/winterland121072 def. hessie/smokovec 8-5